How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter

Do you want to know how to get Vitamin D in winter?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble mineral that controls calcium and phosphate in the body. We need it to help promote the growth of healthy bones in our bodies. Gratitude to the sun, we get our everyday dose without any problems.

When the sun's ultraviolet waves hit the skin, it activates a protein that supports the production of vitamin D. However, during the winter, it is harder to get enough UVB to produce the vitamin, as clouds block most of them. While the sun isn't the only source of nutrients, here are some ways you get them in the winter.

Take Vitamin D Supplements

There are two types of vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D2 comes from plants or fungi and vitamin D3 is found in animals. Vitamins D2 and D3 both improve the immune system, relieve fatigue and muscle aches, and help with depression.

For some people, taking vitamin D pills is good enough. However, vitamin D3 is the only supplement most experts recommend you take. This is because vitamin D does not bind well to tissues and D2 has higher concentrations than D3.

Eat Vitamin D Rich Food

Another way to increase your vitamin D intake during the winter is to eat foods that boost production. What's great is that these foods are easy to obtain and store in the fall. They are also fairly easy to find during the winter.

There are several foods that can provide enough vitamin D during the winter. Fatty fish and seafood provide 386 IU of vitamin D per serving, making it one of the richest natural sources. Eating mushrooms can be another source of this nutrient because they contain vitamin D2.

Using UV Lights

UV-light lamps can be a good source of vitamin D in winter. It can be a great alternative to Sun, and you can use them whenever and wherever you want. This is because they produce UV radiation which is like those released by the Sun.

It also means that they bring the same dangers that greater exposure to the sun brings, though. Exposure to radiation for a long time can irritate your skin. Remember that the average use of UV light should be around 12 -15 minutes.

Read How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter Today

During the winter, you shouldn't satisfy yourself with the small amount of vitamin D you get from the sun. With most of the sun being blocked by the weather conditions that the season brings, it is important to find an alternative source to keep yourself healthy. Learn how to get vitamin D in winter and boost your health today!

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