

5 Fruits To Keep Your Stomach In Good Condition

Upset stomach and constipation are one of the most common ailments seen across the world. This disorder is a result of an irregular lifestyle and poor eating habits. Let's know about 5 such fruits that can happen if you have an upset stomach or if you are facing the problem of constipation.

If your stomach is healthy then your whole body will be healthy. Constipation is a common concern and can lead to many other problems. To avoid this condition, you should include some fruits in your daily diet.


It is most important for the stomach that its digestive system remains good. When the disease develops, it starts affecting the overall well-being of the individual.


This problem can be avoided by including these five fruits in your diet.



Apples contain pectin that helps relieve healthy, especially constipation and diarrhea, and applesauce is a great addition to food.

It reduces the symptoms of diarrhea by acting as a prebiotic, creating suitable conditions for the good bacteria in the gut.

The insoluble fiber in red fruit adds weight to the intestinal tract, which results in helping the stool to move more quickly. The chemical content of an apple is beneficial for the stomach as it dissolves quickly and is excreted from the body.



Guava is extremely beneficial for the functioning of the stomach. It kills harmful gut microbes that cause diarrhea. Winter comes with the onset of winter, and you can buy the best guava from the market during the season.

Make it part of your diet to ensure that your decision bears fruit. Guava provides 12 percent of the required fiber compared to other fruits. The seeds of the fruit also help in the fast cleaning of the stomach.



Banana is a natural alternative to oral rehydration solution which is required in dysentery conditions. The fruit provides plenty of fiber, which helps keep the stomach clean and binds the stool.

No wonder doctors ask patients to consume bananas. In addition, the antacid effect of the fruit helps keep stomach upset and bacterial problems at bay.



Avocado also completes digestion. It has high fiber content, which aids in proper digestion. It promotes the growth of friendly gut bacteria in the intestine that protects against stomach diseases.

Also, when you regularly consume avocado, there is no constipation problem. The stomach-friendly fruit is rich in potassium, which controls stomach upset and the low gas content of fructose.




Pears are the best source of soluble and insoluble fiber. One medium pear contains about 4 grams of fiber. In the digestive process, it helps to soften the stool.

The high water content in pear fruit also helps in flushing out post-digestive toxins from the body. When it enters the body, it dissolves, prevents constipation in the stomach, and cures the gas problem.

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